June 1, 2012


The Future of Learning This is a brilliant explanation of where #gamification and #education intersect, and why the internet has suddenly rendered hundreds of years of institutional education obsolete. I very strongly think that the teacher-student dynamic is absolutely essential in the educational process. This video emphasizes the places where teachers should step aside, and I agree with everything said here. But I think we should still be thinking about what role teachers (not just programmers and game designers) should have in overseeing and managing the development of the students. I’ve been running web-based courses from within a brick-and-mortar university setting since 2005, first at the University of Illinois, and then at Illinois state. Nothing too fancy; we ran a collaborative WordPress blog with regular posting and commenting requirements. I set due dates and formats, but I usually let the students pick their own topics to write on. You can see the blog from my last phil mind class here: http://phil238s12.http://fractionalactorssub.madeofrobots.com/blog/ The most recent posts were scrambles for extra credit, but there’s lots of student engagement on the blog, and I think the format was a huge success. I stayed pretty hands-off on the website, but that’s because I had 3 hours a week of their undivided attention in the classroom. I used that time to keep the learning community unified as a community; it was the lectures that set the tone and issues that informed their own free blogging activity. I think this kind of unified learning community is important, and I think the teacher has an important role to play in its unification. So although there are great models being discussed in this video, I think they might be made that much stronger by finding ways to adapt the teaching process to the future of learning. I have […]
June 1, 2012


June 1, 2012


Social Networks Over Time and the Invariants of Interaction Just as there are certain cognitive limits to the number of individuals one can have as part of one’s social network, it also appears that there are cognitive and temporal considerations for how humans manage their interactions. In particular, we find that the reported average closeness to all friends decreases as the number of one’s friends increases, suggesting an invariant total expenditure on social interaction [emphasis added]. An increase of one in the number of close social contacts was associated with a decrease of 0.03 in the average closeness of each individual contact on a scale where 0 = do not know and 1 = extremely close. An increase of two close contacts was associated with a decrease in closeness of nearly 0.06 (a substantial reduction on this scale). Because, in prior research, ties are typically modeled as either present or absent, with no strength information, these findings are some of the first of their kind. … We are embedded within networks, which are related to how we help others, and even to our health. But these network connections are not unbounded: we have a finite social attention span. As we gain more friends, we become less close to all of them. So this embeddedness in networks is a precious thing. Understand the implications of social connections and use them wisely. More: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/06/social-networks-over-time-and-the-invariants-of-interaction/ Article: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0036250 via +Kyle Crider
June 1, 2012


Reposted a comment below __ There is something very strange about the idea of “forcing someone to share”. While it is certainly one way to look at the issue, there is something obviously contradictory about it, and I think it results in anomalies and mistakes when thinking about how networks develop. So let me give what I think is a more natural reading of what’s going on here. When you disable comments, you are limiting your own power to control the conversation. Far from forcing anyone to do anything, you are instead restraining your control over the situation. Limiting your own power is what makes room for others to fill that vacuum and take power themselves, which is what they are doing when they reshare. This isn’t a comfortable position from the old capitalist perspectives. Capitalists think success is purely a matter of control. So if success comes from getting others to reshare your work, and they reshare because you disable comments, then disabling comments must be a way of controlling the audience, right? That’s the logic behind the idea of “forcing to share”. That’s a capitalist approach to networks, but of course this logic is silly. The more obvious reading is that people don’t like to be controlled, so we have to learn to stop forcing them to do things because that’s not an effective organizational strategy. If they think you are forcing them to do anything they will be far less engaged and motivated to cooperate than if they are in control. If they feel like they are in control, then they will be far more willing to identify themselves with their labor. What this suggests is that a strategy of forcing users to share will probably backfire pretty seriously, especially if it is obvious that this method […]
May 31, 2012


Morals and the Machine The Economist One way of dealing with these difficult questions is to avoid them altogether, by banning autonomous battlefield robots and requiring cars to have the full attention of a human driver at all times. Campaign groups such as the International Committee for Robot Arms Control have been formed in opposition to the growing use of drones. But autonomous robots could do much more good than harm. Robot soldiers would not commit rape, burn down a village in anger or become erratic decision-makers amid the stress of combat. Driverless cars are very likely to be safer than ordinary vehicles, as autopilots have made planes safer. Sebastian Thrun, a pioneer in the field, reckons driverless cars could save 1m lives a year. Instead, society needs to develop ways of dealing with the ethics of robotics—and get going fast. In America states have been scrambling to pass laws covering driverless cars, which have been operating in a legal grey area as the technology runs ahead of legislation. It is clear that rules of the road are required in this difficult area, and not just for robots with wheels. More: http://www.economist.com/node/21556234 See also: http://www.economist.com/node/21556103 via Peter Asaro
May 31, 2012


Three days ago, I packed all my earthly possessions into my car and moved to California. Most of the packing was books and papers; the amount of student debt I hold exceeds the monetary value of these objects by at least two orders of magnitude. That debt and these books are the remains of almost a decade of study and teaching in Illinois. I left my teaching position at Illinois State at the end of the spring semester to do human-cyborg relations full time. I have big plans for stepping up my blogging and engagement, and I’m excited about a major educational project I’ll be announcing shortly. I’m not entirely settled in and it will be a few more days before I can return to normal blogging schedule, but things will start popping soon. Until I return, here’s something to tide you over. I left the comment below on +Jonathan Langdale‘s post, while at a rest stop outside Vegas during my drive out west. It describes a method of visualizing the attention economy in a way that might be instructive or useful for others looking to do the same. It was something of a derail for the original thread; maybe it can find better resonance here. _____________ https://plus.google.com/u/0/109667384864782087641/posts/KvbZW9vVR7H In any case, you are definitely keying in on a developing hurdle to UI design, which is figuring out how to inform users without distracting them from doing other things, including just moving around. A lot of AR concept designs have data displayed as huge, intrusive graphical text overlays which usually require some reading and processing to benefit from. That processing time is time not spent processing other data. If this overlay is on your windshield as you are driving, this difference could be a matter of life and death. Designing UIs […]
May 28, 2012


+Beth Harris and +Steven Zucker‘s conversations on art history for the +Khan Academy are really great. I’m especially enjoying their discussions of art during the French and Spanish revolutions, and I can’t wait to hear what they have to say about 20th century! The Goya piece below is terrifying, and the commentary is a great example of the whole expansive and entertaining video collection. I love the dynamic between the two scholars. Their enthusiasm for art is absolutely contagious. I’ve been thinking about producing some educational content for my stream, with the goal of producing content for Khan. Watching these videos is both instructive and inspiring for my own projects. More on Goya’s Saturn here: http://smarthistory.khanacademy.org/goya-saturn-devouring-one-of-his-children http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_Devouring_His_Son Khan Academy’s entire Art History Collection: http://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/art-history/ Goya, Saturn Devouring One Of His Sons
May 27, 2012


The featured video on this post is absolutely wonderful. It highlights just one of the major issues with Enlightenment models of individuals, and the dreadfully absurd consequences it has for the way we raise our children. Highly recommended if you are interested in #education and #digitalculture . James Wood originally shared this post: A collection of insightful videos about the present state of education and future prospects. “Changing Education Paradigms” (below) as you would imagine focusses directly on this issue. Additionally, these give a well-rounded set of perspectives: Salman Khan at TED Talks (founder of Khan Academy)– Salman Khan: Let’s use video to reinvent education Sir Ken Robinson at TED Talks (“Do Schools Kill Creativity”)– Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? RSA animate “The Secret Powers of Time”– RSA Animate – The Secret Powers of Time More from Sir Robinson (if you can sit through 55 min of witty British humor, with occasional digression into discussion about changing paradigms) Sir Ken Robinson – Changing Paradigms
May 26, 2012


Habits (customs, rituals) are the psychological and behavioral basis for culture. Hence, digital culture just are the patterns of habituated behaviors of digital peoples. When left to their own devices, communities of humans tend to synchronize their habits in ways that might look unusual from the perspective of people who don’t participate in those cultures. Lots of people, including smart and forward thinking techies like +Robert Scoble, tend to immediately implicate the adoption of such habits as a negative trait by referring to them as “addictions”. Addictions are real things, of course, but cultures are real things to, and there is something deeply inhumane about treating the latter like the former. Talking about technology addiction is a growing media and academic niche industry. Using the vocabulary of addiction to talk about technology has just the right mix of hype, science jargon, gossip, and self-loathing to make the meme spread successfully, even among people who should know better. Unfortunately, this is a situation where our concepts are too weak for the phenomena they attempt to analyze. Both technology and habit are deeply fundamental aspects of humanity; treating technology as a disease (or worse, a symptom of some further disease) is categorically the wrong approach to understanding the relations between these processes, and how their dynamics give rise to the full scope of human experience. Alex Schleber originally shared this post: Must-read post on this key metric: “… mastery of the mechanics of habit design is increasingly deciding startup winners and losers. Not only because habits cement user behavior in an increasingly cluttered digital world, but because a high-engagement product is also a high-growth product. The two are one and the same. A high DAU [Daily Active Users] to MAU [Monthly…] ratio is a great indicator of the strength of user habits […]
May 26, 2012


TECHNICS ? originally shared this post: Quasicrystals as sums of waves in the plane. This quasicrystal is full of emergent patterns, but it can be described in a simple way. Each frame of the animation is a summation of such waves at evenly-spaced rotations. The animation occurs as each wave moves forward. More ? http://goo.gl/vyccv Quasicrystal ? http://goo.gl/uoHjI
May 26, 2012


Over the last few weeks we’ve seen an explosion of blog posts, videos, and journals publishing on this major developing paradigm shift in social organization. Of course, it is 2012 and networks are hardly new. Facebook’s IPO already seems like old news; no one doubts the importance of networks. We’ve been living on them and in them for decades. What’s changed is our understanding of how #networks behave. Our mathematics and computer science has made tremendous progress over the last few years. Our ability to visualize #bigdata in instructive and useful ways it in a golden age. Until now, the Internet has been mostly flopping along blindly, confident that we were doing good work but not entirely understanding how we were doing it. But over the last month or so our #science has grown strong. When our science is strong, we can be deliberate about how we use our tools. +Bruno Gonçalves and his colleagues gave a vivid but somehow unsurprising demonstration of this power just this week. They predicted the winner of +American Idol by doing nothing more elaborate than counting tweets. This was almost a trivial exercise, but the authors are explicit that this is simply a demonstration of the potential of these techniques: On a more general basis, our results highlight that *the aggregate preferences and behaviors of large numbers of people can nowadays be observed in real time, or even forecasted, through open source data freely available in the web*. The task of keeping them private, even for a short time, has therefore become extremely hard (if not impossible), and this trend is likely to become more and more evident in the future years. Although the success of the prediction isn’t itself surprising, the consequences of the result are not only surprising but fundamentally revolutionary for […]
May 26, 2012


The Networked Paradigm volume one Over the last few weeks we’ve seen an explosion of blog posts, videos, and journals publishing on this major developing paradigm shift in social organization. Of course, it is 2012 and networks are hardly new. Facebook’s IPO already seems like old news; no one doubts the importance of networks. We’ve been living on them and in them for decades. What’s changed is our understanding of how #networks behave. Our mathematics and computer science has made tremendous progress over the last few years. Our ability to visualize #bigdata in instructive and useful ways it in a golden age. Until now, the Internet has been mostly flopping along blindly, confident that we were doing good work but not entirely understanding how we were doing it. But over the last month or so our #science has grown strong. When our science is strong, we can be deliberate about how we use our tools. +Bruno Gonçalves and his colleagues gave a vivid but somehow unsurprising demonstration of this power just this week. They predicted the winner of +American Idol by doing nothing more elaborate than counting tweets. https://plus.google.com/u/0/117828903900236363024/posts/aSUDwAggmgz This was almost a trivial exercise, but the authors are explicit that this is simply a demonstration of the potential of these techniques: “On a more general basis, our results highlight that the aggregate preferences and behaviors of large numbers of people can nowadays be observed in real time, or even forecasted, through open source data freely available in the web. The task of keeping them private, even for a short time, has therefore become extremely hard (if not impossible), and this trend is likely to become more and more evident in the future years.” Although the success of the prediction isn’t itself surprising, the consequences of the result are not […]
June 10, 2012


Derya Unutmaz originally shared this post: Stephen Quake, is a professor of bioengineering and applied physics at Stanford University where he studies microfluidic large-scale integration. The prodigious professor’s work has thus far led to the creation of four companies and 82 patents. Dr. Quake used the principles of an integrated circuit to develop a ‘biochip’ that can perform nearly 10,000 independent simultaneous measurements – orders of magnitude above and beyond pipetting scientists in the lab. The chip is already being used to perform basic research and to discover new drugs. For his ingenuity, the chip’s inventor was recently awarded the $500,000 Lemelson-MIT prize for exceptional innovators. He co-founded San Francisco-based Fluidigm Corp in 1999 to sell the chip. Labs are already using the chip to grow proteins into the crystalline arrangements necessary for studying protein structure. The structures for both the Ebola virus and the H5N1 Influenza virus were solved using the chip. Source: Singularityhub.com #ScienceSunday
June 10, 2012


Attention +Sebastian Thrun: this is what a biologically inspired digital overlay looks like. I sure hope the kids at Google X understand this, because the existing +Project Glass demo is clearly designed to serve up apps and advertisements, and that’s about the worst possible way to waste our visual system. Cyborgs can do so much better. Allison Sekuler originally shared this post: Hidden Patterns in the Bee’s Garden I posted a longer piece for #ScienceSunday (http://goo.gl/9d2Ab) describing how bees see the world differently than humans do. For example, *bees can see UV (ultraviolet) light where we can’t. That difference produces some spectacular patterns, which are invisible for us.* Fortunately, photographer *Bjørn Rørslett* has taken a huge range of UV photos of flowers, documenting the UV bull-eye landing pattern bees can use to navigate right to the centre of flowers, where the pollen awaits. The images below show two of my favourite examples from Bjørn Rørslett’s photos: two (left) with our visible light, and two (right) with UV filters. Note that these haven’t been adjusted for the bees optics or other aspects of their vision. You can see many more examples of the hidden patterns bees might see in our gardens at Rørslett’s website: http://goo.gl/ydHIr And you can learn more about bee vision – including a hands-on demo of how bee optics change their view of Einstein – in my longer post, here: http://goo.gl/9d2Ab for #ScienceSunday curated by me, +Robby Bowles , +Rajini Rao , and +Chad Haney
June 9, 2012


Cristian Lorenzutti originally shared this post: Word Lens, augmented reality translation app, now on Android […]Tuna with hot sauce. Beach closed. Please use caution. Apple users of iOS devices, drawing envy with their cooler than cool apps, have since 2010 enjoyed Word Lens, an application that instantly provides a foreign language translation of a menu or road sign just by the user hovering the device’s camera over the foreign language content in realtime. Now Word Lens is offering its translation app for Android too. The Android app will do translations between English and Spanish, Italian, and French using just the video camera. The nice feature of the app is that network connectivity is not required.[…] Via Phys.og: http://goo.gl/KVOPn Free demo version here: http://goo.gl/NuJEH #technology #android #augmentedreality #language #translator
June 9, 2012


Status Quo Bias By Nick Bostrom Disaster! A hazardous chemical has entered our water supply. Try as we might, there is no way to get the poison out of the system, and there is no alternative water source. The poison will cause mild brain damage and thus reduced cognitive functioning in the current population. Fortunately, however, scientists have just developed a safe and affordable form of somatic gene therapy which, if used, will permanently increase our intellectual powers just enough to offset the toxicity-induced brain damage. Surely we should take the enhancement to prevent a decrease in our cognitive functioning. Many years later it is found that the chemical is about to vanish from the water, allowing us to recover gradually from the brain damage. If we do nothing, we will become more intelligent, since our permanent cognitive enhancement will no longer be offset by continued poisoning. Ought we try to ?nd some means of reducing our cognitive capacity to offset this change? Should we, for instance, deliberately pour poison into our water supply to preserve the brain damage or perhaps even undergo simple neurosurgery to keep our intelligence at the level of the status quo? Surely, it would be absurd to do so. Yet if we don’t poison our water supply, the consequences will be equivalent to the consequences that would have resulted from performing cognitive enhancement in the case where the water supply hadn’t been contaminated in the ?rst place. Since it is good if no poison is added to the water supply in the present scenario, it is also good, in the scenario where the water was never poisoned, to replace that status quo with a state in which we are cognitively enhanced. ____ Bostrom talks about the so-called “double-reversal test” as a method for arguing in […]
June 8, 2012


Using computer simulations and mathematical models, a group of scientists around Julian Garcia from the Max-Planck Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Plön have developed a new model that is taking both concepts into account. They discovered that direct reciprocity alone is not enough, and that population structure is necessary in order to reach a high level of cooperation. When there is some reciprocity, the average level of cooperation increases because alike types are more likely to interact with each other. Additionally, the researchers observed that cooperation occurs if cooperative and defective individuals are highly clustered and repetition is rare. And surprisingly, too much repetition can even harm cooperation in cases when the population structure makes cooperation between individuals very likely. This is due to the fact that reciprocity can protect defectors from invasion by defectors in a similar manner that it prevents cooperation from being invaded by defectors. “Without population structure, cooperation based on repetition is unstable,” Garcia explains one of the main findings. This is especially true for humans, where repetition occurs regularly and who live in fluid, but not totally unstructured populations. A pinch of population structure helps a lot if repetition is present. “Therefore, the recipe for human cooperation might be: a bit of structure and a lot of repetition,” says Julian Garcia. This phenomenon results in a high average level of cooperation. Betsy McCall originally shared this post: I don’t think it’s “And”, I think it’s “Or”. Does cooperation require both reciprocity and alike neighbors? Scientists have developed a new theoretical model on the evolution of cooperation. Evolution by definition is cold and merciless: it selects for success and weeds out failure. It seems only natural to…
June 8, 2012


Prometheus and the Creation Myth Some friends and I went to see a midnight showing last night. Although none of us really liked the film, we spent a long time talking about its themes and how it ties into the larger Alien saga. I found the results of the conversation to be interesting, and made me appreciate the film a lot more. Here’s a sample of what we came up with. Spoiler warning. Prometheus is about creation. Specifically, it is about the paradoxical relation between the creator and the thing created. The film is full of creator-created chains: Engineers – Humans Engineers – Aliens as weapons stockpile Engineers – Aliens as bioengineered lifeform Weyland – David Humans – Androids Humans – Weyland Corp. Father – daughter Mother – fetus More easily come to mind. Although the creator in these pairs often identifies with the act of creation (and indeed, their position as creator is often a defining characteristic), the products thus created may resist or augment the creators intentions in unexpected ways. This tension between creator and thing created drives the entire series of films. It’s the Sorcerer’s Apprentice motif that has occupied science fiction since Frankenstein. Ridley Scott’s twist on the theme is that the humans in this film consciously recognize themselves as simultaneously occupying both the role of creators and thing created, and yet are unable to resolve the paradox. In fact, far from wielding power as creators, we are something of hapless puppets in the cycle. Frankenstein’s monster had a very dim understanding of its own existence as a monster. In Prometheus, humanity itself is a stage in that monster’s life cycle. This twist lets the film explore the dim understanding we have of ourselves instead of merely dwelling on the distruction we cause as a result. […]
June 7, 2012


+Fraser Cain‘s crew of astronomers are doing awesome work with their weekly Hangouts. They are trailblazing the developing art of educational streaming, and they are setting the bar quite high. I’ve been putting together a plan for doing some educational streaming of my own starting this fall, and these hangouts have been both inspirational and highly instructive. Anyone interested in the future of online education or the future of streaming online content should be paying close attention. Fraser Cain originally shared this post: What we learned from broadcasting the Venus transit If you haven’t already read my Tips and Tricks for Hangouts on Air, you might want to give it a read (https://plus.google.com/110701307803962595019/posts/PaeeynDx34L). These are my additional thoughts after running a HoA that had a massive viewership. 😉 As you probably know, we wrapped up about 6 hours of coverage of the transit of Venus yesterday as a live Google+ Hangout. Our “television show”, if you can call it that, consisted of a few live video feeds of the Sun with a black dot (Venus) slowly moving across it. And then some expert commentary and analysis from PhD astronomers. When we first went live with the Hangout on Air, it was like a dam burst. The number of viewers went to 1000, 2000… 5000… 6000+. Clearly there was a pent up interest in sharing the experience with other people. The total number of viewers tailed down a bit, settling at around 2000 for the duration of the event. The fact that 2000 people stuck around to share the experience was pretty mind bending. Let me start by saying that the Hangouts on Air technology worked absolutely perfectly. We had some internet problems with some of the participants, and they were dropping out from time to time, but for most people, […]
June 7, 2012


Danial Hallock originally shared this post: Standardized Testing = Standardized Students Researchers are becoming more familiar with what really motivates us [autonomy, mastery, and purpose] and colleges are failing to grasp this new paradigm shifting concept, they stick to the standard status quo. In the scope of collegiate studies today, there is no purpose beyond that of obtaining a degree, there is no autonomy beyond deciding which of the selection of courses available you’ll select, and there is no mastery to be gained except that which the educators tell you to master. Let’s humanize the classroom. I theorize that if we humanize education, standarization will not be (as big) an issue. Big Hat Tip to +Daniel Estrada. #education #college #standardizedtesting #nochildleftbehind #motivation #huminzation #purpose #mastery #autonomy #tedtalk #salmankhan #creativity There is a new theory of education being formed today – Academics – Soliloquy of Eloquence In today’s world, education is something of a hot topic, and experts have been scratching their he…
June 7, 2012


Hello Susie, I am the Last Moment Robot. I am here to help you and guide you through your last moment on earth. i am sorry that [pause] your family and friends can’t be with you right now, but don’t be afraid. I am here to comfort you. [pause] You are not alone, you are with me. [pause] Your family and friends love you very much, they will remember you after you are gone. [pause] Time of death 11:56 More: http://www.theverge.com/2012/6/7/3069974/last-moment-robot-dan-chen-video via +Peter Asaro http://youtu.be/T8PNzA2S6EY
June 7, 2012


Gunther Cox originally shared this post: What Happens When You Load a Web Page?
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