July 11, 2012


“While the gendered politics of technology access and the creative ways in which children are able to work as embodied interfaces is interesting – and perhaps needs more space than is afforded here – what remains interesting to me is how this story disrupts the regular narratives of techno-euphoria. It cannot be explained away merely in terms of usage. It cannot be used to claim radical social change in community and gendered relationships. It is difficult to make a technology-empowerment argument though this. What is perhaps most interesting is that it shows how we need to start thinking about digital technologies as producing new ecosystems that reconfigure our understanding of who we are and the roles we play in developing social relationality. The digital natives in these stories are not merely the children – though their embodied interface produces startling insights into how personal relationships with technologies are produced. The men who have access to the phones and have mastered digital literacy in navigating through these phones, the women who become the last-mile consumers who have found creative ways of staying connected despite their lack of access, and the children who become the nodes in this technology-information infrastructure, are all digital natives of a certain kind. They might not have claimed that identity and indeed might never want to. And yet, the very conditions of everyday life, as they are mediated by the presence of digital technologies in Banni, help us understand the social structures and information relationships in ways which are more complex than theorized by our techno-euphoric attention to network visualizations which are heavily determined by usage and action.” via +Michael Chui Pam Griffith originally shared this post: “These children would not usually be recognized as digital natives because they are not particularly tech savvy and they do […]
July 10, 2012


“Salesforce.com won’t disclose exactly how the Influencer algorithm works. It’s more than just tabulating number of posts, though. In fact, workers could actually be penalized for sheer volume, if colleagues don’t consider their content useful. “We don’t want people being noisy,” Chatter general manager Kendall Collins tells Fast Company. Instead, the algorithm looks at things like how many Likes a post gets or how often it’s re-shared. “It surveys all the activities you’re involved in and weighs them differently,” King says. He adds that managers wanting to evaluate worker influence will probably want to combine the machine-generated score with the output of an explicit recognition system, like Salesforce.com’s newly acquired Rypple, which allows employees to give each other badges for great work. When you add a system like Rypple, King says, “you get a complete picture–not only what’s derived [from activity on the system] but also what’s declared by peers and managers.”” #attentioneconomy via +Rebecca Spizzirri Jeffrey J Davis originally shared this post: Interesting , companies begin to use internal Klout-like influence ranking systems to include influence in performance assessments. Measuring An Employee’s Worth? Consider Influence The performance review of the future will include services like Salesforce.com’s Chatter and its Influencers feature, which measures how much weight you carry among your peers. Measuring An Employee’s Worth? Consider Influence The performance review of the future will include services like Salesforce.com’s Chatter and its Influencers feature, which measures how much weight you carry among your peers.
July 4, 2012


Attention Economy Vignettes I recently posted a long excerpt from +Bruce Sterling‘s wonderful novel _The Caryatids_ as an example of a functioning #attentioneconomy in action. Sterling’s lucid prose highlights many of the functional aspects of an attention economy, including the central of role of experts and self-directed education, and the importance of Augmented Reality overlays for demonstrating the fruits of economic labor (through a visualization Sterling calls “Glory”). You can read the excerpt here: https://plus.google.com/117828903900236363024/posts/XjKhhHH8uJ9 Unfortunately, Sterling’s vision of the future takes place a few decades after the demise of the world’s governments and economic infrastructure, following devastating wholesale environmental collapse. I’d hope that we might start preparing for an Attention Economy in time to prevent such devastation, if at all possible. For this reason, I’ve been thinking about ways to visualize and present the Attention Economy in a more compelling way than my long, dense academic discussions. The easier it is to imagine alternative organizational structures, the faster people will start preparing for its eventuality. To that end, I’ve started compiling a series of science fiction shorts describing a not-so-distant future that operates on its basic principles. I’m pretty busy with my summer job at the moment, but I have a few of these shorts in the bag and I’ll be posting them over the next few weeks to get some feedback and maybe start some discussions. This is my first real attempt at fiction, and I’m not very comfortable with the medium, so any comments and suggestions are appreciated! ______________________ Chapter 1: Ma The light bulb is out. The blackened bulb in the lamp on my bedside dresser went unchanged for a week, and when I opened my eyes this morning it was the first thing that entered my field of vision. I witnessed it die a week […]
July 3, 2012


Declaration of Internet Freedom +Electronic Frontier Foundation PREAMBLE We believe that a free and open Internet can bring about a better world. To keep the Internet free and open, we call on communities, industries and countries to recognize these principles. We believe that they will help to bring about more creativity, more innovation and more open societies. We are joining an international movement to defend our freedoms because we believe that they are worth fighting for. Let’s discuss these principles — agree or disagree with them, debate them, translate them, make them your own and broaden the discussion with your community — as only the Internet can make possible. Join us in keeping the Internet free and open. http://www.internetdeclaration.org/freedom http://www.reddit.com/r/internetdeclaration via +Charlie Hoover via http://lifehacker.com/5923111/let-the-eff-convince-you-to-sign-the-declaration-of-internet-freedom #declaration of #internet #freedom #eff #digitalvalues
July 3, 2012


Attention Economy Vignettes Chapter 1 I recently posted a long excerpt from +Bruce Sterling‘s wonderful novel The Caryatids as an example of a functioning #attentioneconomy in action. Sterling’s lucid prose highlights many of the functional aspects of an attention economy, including the central of role of experts and self-directed education, and the importance of Augmented Reality overlays for demonstrating the fruits of economic labor (through a visualization Sterling calls “Glory”). You can read the excerpt here: https://plus.google.com/117828903900236363024/posts/XjKhhHH8uJ9 Unfortunately, Sterling’s vision of the future takes place a few decades after the demise of the world’s governments and economic infrastructure, following a devastating environmental collapse. I’d hope that we might start preparing for an Attention Economy in time to prevent such devastation, if at all possible. For this reason, I’ve been thinking about ways to visualize and present the Attention Economy in a more compelling way than my long, dense academic discussions. The easier it is to imagine alternative organizational structures, the faster people will start preparing for their eventuality. To that end, I’ve started compiling a series of science fiction shorts describing a not-so-distant future that operates on its basic principles. I’m pretty busy with my summer job at the moment, but I have a few of these shorts in the bag and I’ll be posting them over the next few weeks to get some feedback and maybe start some discussions. This is my first attempt at fiction, and I’m not very comfortable with the medium, so any comments and suggestions are appreciated! ____________________ Chapter 1: Ma The light bulb is out. The blackened bulb in the lamp on my bedside dresser went unchanged for a week, and when I opened my eyes this morning it was the first thing that entered my field of vision. I witnessed it die a […]
July 1, 2012


kyle broom originally shared this post: Short film inspired by the detention conditions of Bradley Manning.
July 1, 2012


Koen De Paus originally shared this post: The Sentineli, a living memory of our history Part 2 Random thoughts on tribes vs mobs and how machines relate to both. “It is in the long run essential to the growth of any new and high civilization that small groups of men can escape from their neighbors and from their government, to go and live as they please in the wilderness. A truly isolated, small, and creative society will never again be possible on this planet.” ~Freeman J. Dyson For us city dwellers it is hard to imagine just how different a life in isolation must be. A lifestyle completely independent from the outside world where you have to be one with nature if you hope to survive. When given the choice, most of us would not go back to such a life. Our tribe has grown to include millions of people and we no longer farm our own fields but instead count on others to provide us with the goods required for life. From water and food to jobs and justice, we depend on the web that society has built. We have outsourced many tasks of our early tribal lifestyle to the mob and the mob or system has offloaded many tasks onto technology. We are now at a point where an EMP blast would cause a mass extinction. In a small tribe you are directly connected with the consequences of your actions. You need to catch a fish and know how to make a fire because you want to feed your family tonight. No bosses, no money, action > reaction. Our system is so complex that it can be very hard to keep track of actions and consequences. If you work at a chemical plant that produces plastics, you might […]
June 29, 2012


via +Winchell Chung
June 29, 2012


A Complex Systems Science Approach to Healthcare Costs and Quality by Y. Bar-Yam at NECSI “There is a mounting crisis in delivering affordable healthcare in the US. For decades, key decision makers in the public and private sectors have considered cost-effectiveness in healthcare a top priority. Their actions have focused on putting a limit on fees, services, or care options. However, they have met with limited success as costs have increased rapidly while the quality isn’t commensurate with the high costs. A new approach is needed. Here we provide eight scientifically-based steps for improving the healthcare system. The core of the approach is promoting the best use of resources by matching the people and organization to the tasks they are good at, and providing the right incentive structure. Harnessing costs need not mean sacrificing quality. Quality service and low costs can be achieved by making sure the right people and the right organizations deliver services. As an example, the frequent use of emergency rooms for non-emergency care demonstrates the waste of resources of highly capable individuals and facilities resulting in high costs and ineffective care. Neither free markets nor managed care guarantees the best use of resources. A different oversight system is needed to promote the right incentives. Unlike managed care, effective oversight must not interfere with the performance of care. Otherwise, cost control only makes care more cumbersome. The eight steps we propose are designed to dramatically improve the effectiveness of the healthcare system, both for those who receive services and those who provide them.” More: http://necsi.edu/research/healthcare/healthcaresteps.html via +Kyle Crider #complexity #complexityscience #healthcare
June 28, 2012


Using Prezi as a Whiteboard In my classroom there is no easy way to both use the chalkboard and the LCD projector at the same time. Although I love chalkboards, today I decided to commit to the projector. I kept a Prezi editing window open, and took notes as I would on a whiteboard. I usually draw pictures and obsessively underline things and couldn’t do that as easily here. However, it resulted in a pretty neat document that worked really great for review at the end of the class day. You can dive into the Prezi here: http://prezi.com/ja-cumg1hhbd/philosophy-of-mind/ Any suggestions on other classroom whiteboard software that might work better?
June 27, 2012


#ants are #awesome via +Rebecca Spizzirri Chris Robinson originally shared this post: Although many ant species use chemical trails to organise themselves into food-collecting groups, the big-headed ant has an “extreme” chemical enlisting strategy, says the University of Sussex team. “When an ant finds something delicious,” he said, “she has to lay a trail really quickly, because competition is fierce. “The pheromone trail starts working immediately. Any ants caught in its net are funnelled towards the food item.” Make sure you check out the video. I could definitely use an “extreme” chemical enlisting strategy! How ants enlist emergency help Brazilian ants deploy emergency “chemical nets” to drag swarms of their nestmates into helping them carry large food items, a study shows.
June 27, 2012


Robot Hand Beats You at Rock, Paper, Scissors 100% Of The Time “It only takes a single millisecond for the robot to recognize what shape your hand is in, and just a few more for it to make the shape that beats you, but it all happens so fast that it’s more or less impossible to tell that the robot is waiting until you commit yourself before it makes its move, allowing it to win 100% of the time. You might be thinking that you could fool the system by changing your mind halfway through, but my guess is that the hand and vision system are faster than your reflexes could ever be, and that it would be trivial for the robot to adapt to any creative moves that happens on the human end.” More: http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/artificial-intelligence/robot-hand-beats-you-at-rock-paper-scissors-100-of-the-time via +Chryle Elieff Janken (rock-paper-scissors) Robot with 100% winning rate
March 30, 2012


Chad Haney originally shared this post: Humans’ social games closely resemble those of apes and monkeys This is like “A Beautiful Mind” meets Jane Goodall. OK, not really, but that’s the first thing that popped into my head. A new take on the games people play in their relationships | UChicago News Human nature has deep evolutionary roots and is manifested in relationships with family members, friends, romantic and business partners, competitors, and strangers more than in any other aspects of b…
March 31, 2012


CAS-Group originally shared this post: CAS-Group Blog » Blog Archive » Anonymity and brevity as adaptation Stanley Milgram was an American social psychologist. In one of his studies he wondered how city dwellers manage to live in such proximity to each other. As this PsyBlog article says, he found that the…
March 31, 2012


“The above chart shows a distribution of 2500 newly printed fiction books selected at random from Amazon’s warehouses. What’s so crazy is that there are just as many from the last decade as from the decade between 1910 and 1920. Why? Because beginning in 1923, most titles are copyrighted. Books from before 1923 tend to be in the public domain, and the result is that Amazon carries them — lots of them. The chart comes from University of Illinois law professor Paul Heald.” Tim O’Reilly originally shared this post: This is the most amazing graph that demonstrates what our wrong-headed copyright regime has done to suppress rather than encourage economic activity! If only our policy makers were driven by data rather than lobbying by copyright interests! The Missing 20th Century: How Copyright Protection Makes Books Vanish Because of the strange distortions of copyright protection, there are twice as many newly published books available on Amazon from 1850 as there are from 1950
March 31, 2012


“Using sensors in our smartphones and other wearable devices, we can chart how many calories we burn, our body fat percentage, how many steps we take in a day, how long we sleep — even how many hours a week we spend commuting or sitting at a desk. Soon we’ll be able to access the same kind of statistics on our digital selves: Social reach and influence; tastes and preferences; achievements; credibility and reputation; habits; expertise. All that information at your fingertips at all times theoretically allows you to carefully chart a path for improvement—and share your winning strategy and stats with others. On a grand scale, that makes for an interconnected world of healthier, happier people making much more informed decisions.” It isn’t enough to just have personalized information about one’s own self. Having this information open and public is also the only way to measure and improve our social organizations. Ward Plunet originally shared this post: The ‘So What’ Of The Quantified Self The quantified self (QS) is growing – and an interesting perspective in this article. “proprietary data equals power, but insights equals gold.” So while it’s important to build up a data set comprised of useful and complementary signals, it’s the “so what?” that allows you really make money from the numbers. Unfortunately, I’m only playing “Foodville” in my mind, and don’t have a simple, gamified app that I can share or play with others. Perhaps a slick app encompassing elegant use of social and game mechanics would enable multiplayer modes, P2P pressure/obligation/guilt loops, use of Seven Deadly Sin motivators, progressive and adaptive leveling, and other tools to make Foodville palatable and easier to begin playing for mass audiences? I’m hoping to see clever QS + gamification designers team up to come up with such apps, […]
March 31, 2012


Everything about this is great. I’m guessing this is probably the most educational music video ever made. That’s not saying much, so I’ll just repeat: the video is really good, and Bjork’s dissonant nega-beats compliment it beautifully. Monika Ljubi?i? originally shared this post: Björk has premiered the official music video for her track Hollow. If you never got enough close ups of what makes up your body in science class this clip may be for you.
March 31, 2012


The previous bot I posted is from the lab of Raffaello D’Andrea. His revolutionary robotics company Kiva Systems produces the bots in the video you see below. Last week, +Amazon.com acquired Kiva for an astounding 775 million dollars! Soon, Amazon’s 65 (and growing) distribution centers will be fully automated with Kiva robots. You can read more about Amazon’s acquisition of Kiva here: http://techcrunch.com/2012/03/19/amazon-acquires-online-fulfillment-company-kiva-systems-for-775-million-in-cash/ You can read a more about D’Andrea’s ingenious engineering approach here: http://spectrum.ieee.org/robotics/robotics-software/three-engineers-hundreds-of-robots-one-warehouse I am shamelessly stealing these robot videos and links from the wonderful Robots Podcast. The link below contains a fascinating interview with D’Andrea, which touches on both the robotics and the Amazon deal. http://www.robotspodcast.com/podcast/2012/03/robots-dynamic-systems/ For anyone interested in robotics and cybernetics from a science and engineering perspective, this is a wonderful source of cutting edge work in both the industry and the academy. Their podcast from two weeks ago on Self Organized Systems is required reading for anyone interesting in the complexities of the digital age. https://plus.google.com/u/0/117828903900236363024/posts/ifZhHqeQp9Q http://youtu.be/lWsMdN7HMuA
April 1, 2012


The Attention Economy 0: Preamble Today begins a series where I clarify and explain the +Attention Economy There is much confusion and uncertainty over what an Attention Economy is, how it works, and what it means for our present and our future. I have some answers to these questions, but they are just rough stones; I hope together we might polish them into something far more valuable. I cannot do this work alone. Over the course of these posts I will try to lay out both the theoretical and scientific justifications for the view. I will also talk about issues of implementation, engineering, and design for an Attention Economy, as well as its implications for politics, governance, and the sustainability of the human population. These are among the most important topics of our time, and I know my communities are filled with incredibly bright people tackling these issues from humblingly diverse and creative perspectives, at times with inspiring success. My ideas here are meant as contributions to this shared project; I hope the view will tie together some of the disjointed threads that might otherwise fray loose. Although I do have some academic goals for this work, I have no special interest, financial or otherwise, in writing these posts. My interest in the topics, and the urgency and earnestness with which I write these words, is entirely a product of being alive in the year 2012. Enough preliminaries, there’s work to do. If you appreciate this work, please participate. ________ The updated, official draft of this document can be found at the google doc here: http://tinyurl.com/cb7cdc7 It is open for commenting. Feel free to leave comments on style, grammar, and so on in the document. It’ll help. This and all source material is being maintained on the Attention Economy Wiki, […]
April 1, 2012


Victoria Rose originally shared this post: I brought this up with +Daniel Estrada after he shared an article and I felt like bringing it up into a discussion of its own. There’s talk going on about “digitizing a person” from what I’ve been seeing on a lot of different websites. The argument is that humans are producing their ideas using computers, and that eventually, the machine will simply be a practically immortal representation of that human. But there’s one thing that just keeps bugging me that might void the idea altogether. Is it really possible to fully capture a person and especially their ideas? In reality, an idea isn’t just a single entity on its own – it involves many subsets of thoughts. You can say that you “captured an idea” by making a person write a novel or a song, but it’s likely that they had so many things that they also wanted to do with it. For example, if you’re writing on the income inequality issue of the United States, it’s likely that you start off with, “There’s income equality.” Now go on into why there’s income inequality. More than likely, your brain is about to branch off into 1) gender, 2) race, 3) corporations, 4) taxes, or 5) corruption, and often you’ll have a revelation from one point to another. “But wait, you can’t just jump topics! That’s not proper writing! People will toss your book right out the window!” And you’ll have to re-organize your writing to adapt to that. Therefore, you’re not really capturing the true essence of your idea – because the idea itself WAS that stream of thought that led to that revelation, including the revelation itself. And then, when you get into a topic such as, say, corporations, and you go on […]
April 1, 2012


Betsy McCall originally shared this post: scipsy: Images produced with Diffusion spectrum… scipsy: “ Images produced with Diffusion spectrum magnetic resonance imaging (DSI) a new tool developed by Van J Wedeen. Here’s an interview, and here’s a slide show. ” Random fact: These methods…
April 2, 2012


Science on Google+: A Public Database originally shared this post: Philosophy of Science Circle Click on the following link to view the profiles in this circle: http://goo.gl/1t8zu. If you have a science related degree, you are a science journalist, you are a K-12 science teacher, or you curate a science page, then add your profile/page to the database (http://goo.gl/vOJoN). Please note that you also have to circle +Science on Google+: A Public Database if you would like to be considered for shared circles. View underlying database: http://goo.gl/Yz8KR View most recent shared circles: http://goo.gl/nO7rB
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